The primary purpose of this pattern glass index is to assist with the identification of EAPG patterns. Pattern information is as up to date as possible, and it is updated whenever new information is found. A big thank-you to all the scholars and researchers that find and report this new information.
You can browse/search by pattern name, including popular AKAs, by maker, motif and shape. Results will appear as thumbnail images, with pattern names above them. Click on any thumb image or pattern name to open a page with full size images of all the photos in the database for that pattern.
While the ultimate goal is to have a photo of every item in every pattern, it's a goal that will likely never be completely achieved. The topic is simply too vast to think that it will ever be reality, but we can still try to get as close to that goal as we possibly can.
If you'd like to assist with this task, or if you have patterns that you're unable to identify using this index, please join our Facebook Group.
Note: Except where specifically noted, photos posted in the EAPGS Pattern Database come from the EAPGS Facebook page. Ownership for these photos is retained by the person who took the photo but use is extended to the EAPGS for identification purposes. The photos are the property of the original poster from Facebook and shall not be reproduced or used by a third party for any reason unless there is specific permission from the original poster.