FAWN (OMN) by McKee & Brothers (Pittsburgh-PA/Jeannette-PA, Company Operated: 1853-1899), 1886 Introduced
• AKA: Deer and Pine Tree
NOTE: Paul Kirk Jr. - Though it appears to be the same pattern as their Band Diamond (aka Deer & Pine Tree), original McKee catalogs label this as Fawn.
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Shape: Cups & Mugs
Contributor: Walt Williams (1,2), Martha McGill, Ed Perva (4,5), Linda V Asmann, Carol Mercurio Williams (7,8), C Eric Funston

Shape: Cups & Mugs
Contributor: Jim Thielen, C Eric Funston, Rich Shaw, Theresa Jackson, Pat Lynch

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge