DOLPHIN COVERED MUSTARD (AKA) by Unknown Maker (Unknown Location, Operated: Unknown), unknown date introduced
NOTE: Gloria Dobbs 2022 - The dish is shown and listed in OPAGUE GLASS by S.T. Millard. The book was copyrighted in 1953. ...(in) This book he credits to Westmoreland. Noting how/when his books were published he did not have the technologies we have today.
NOTE: Original made in MG only. correct base has the oval on the sides with the rope effect.Also speculated to be Flassus or Eagle. Two versions, one with a handle and one without. Dolphin cover or Dove cover.
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Shape: Animal Covered Dish
Contributor: Kim Lenz -7.5L, 2.5H - missing the lid.

Shape: Animal Covered Dish
Contributor: Anica Landreneau

Shape: Animal Covered Dish
Contributor: Anica Landreneau