TREFOIL (AKA) by Canton Glass Company [First] (Canton-OH/Marion-IN, Company Operated: 1883-1899), 1891 Introduced
• AKA: California Midwinter Fair Plate; Columbus Plate; Frank Brothers Plate
NOTE: Brad Gougeon: 1891-1900, added designs mostly made 1893-1897. plates only and only until the mould was sold when Canton closed. Cambridge made some afterward, Brad knows of no way to distinguish between the Canton and Cambridge production
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Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Brad Gougeon

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Jeff Swantek, Jeannie Symington, Crystal Wilkinson

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: James McDonald, Brad Gougeon, Jeff Swantek, Brad Gougeon

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Andy Eckroth

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Jeff Swantek, Myrna Rose Stewart, Brad Gougeon

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Brad Gougeon -1897 Pitkin & Brooks wholesaler catalog - opal and jet black

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: James Poinsett - 7D

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Brad Gougeon