CRUCIFIX CANDLESTICK (OMN) rip1 by Ripley and Company [First] (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1866-1874), Uncertain Date of Introduction
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2021: "Production of these candlesticks likely started under Ripley but was continued by George Duncan & Sons."
image 1 of 2

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Marian Lanchman

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Russell Crupe

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Russell Crupe note different shades of blue

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Teresa Haas - without the metal cap

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Russell Crupe

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Russell Crupe, Heidi Crupe

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Courtesy of Tom Bredehoft

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: courtesy of Tom Bredehoft

Shape: Candlesticks
Contributor: Heidi Crupe