BEATTY-BRADY GLASS CO. No. 105 (OMN) by Beatty-Brady Glass Company (Dunkirk-IN Company Operated: 1898-1899), 1899 Introduced
NOTE: Ref: The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Indiana Glass, Vol. 1, Early Pressed Glass Era Patterns by Schenning.
NOTE: Introduced at Beatty Brady Glass Company, continued under National Glass Company (Beatty Brady Works)
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Shape: Water/Lemonade Sets
Contributor: Theresa Jackson

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Andy Eckroth 9.25” tall, 4.75” wide.

Shape: Pattern Detail
Contributor: Andy Eckroth 9.25” tall, 4.75” wide.

Shape: Tumblers
Contributor: Winfred Huff, Andy Vaughn

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Robert Wilkin 9D x 2.5H

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Robert Wilkin 9D x 2.5H

Shape: Handles
Contributor: Ed Perva

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Jim Thielen

Shape: Pitcher
Contributor: Jim Thielen