CO-OPERATIVE FLINT GLASS CO., LTD. No. 317 (OMN) by Co-operative Flint Glass Co. LTD. (Beaver Falls-PA, Company Operated 1879-1930s), c1899 Introduced
• AKA: Thumbprint Panel
NOTE: Co-operative Flint Glass by Autenreith: Welker lists the pattern as Co-op No. 317, however the company catalogues and price lists show only a hair receiver and a puff box in the No. 317 pattern. All other pieces are designated as Famous (OMN).
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Shape: Dresser Sets/Pieces
Contributor: Janet Borden - 3.5

Shape: Dresser Sets/Pieces
Contributor: Nancy Dawson puff box

Shape: Dresser Sets/Pieces
Contributor: Janet Borden - 3.5

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge