BRYCE BROTHERS UNNAMED PATTERN No. 1 (AKA) by Bryce Brothers (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1882-1891), c1886 Introduced
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2020: This was made by Bryce Bros. and appears in an 1886 wholesale catalogue. The pattern name is not known - it could be part of their Fashion line or it could be a standalone.
9.75D x 2.5H, note the distinctive design of the base.
image 1 of 2

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Kathy Conn Turner

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Julie Wood - 9.5D

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Terri Frauzel photo under natural daylight

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Kathy Conn Turner

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Kathy Conn Turner

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Terri Frauzel

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Terri Frauzel

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Terri Frauzel

Shape: Bowls & Berry Sets
Contributor: Terri Frauzel