UNITED STATES GLASS CO. No. 16046 (OMN) by United States Glass Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1891-1962) , 1898 Introduced
NOTE: Individual item, not part of a line
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Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Connie Dahlstet - 6H

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Andy Mockridge

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Stephanie Labotte

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Matthew Cox

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Sandy Murphy

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Susanna Connelly Holstein