UNITED STATES GLASS CO. No. 20007 AND 20008 (OMN) by United States Glass Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1891-1962) , c1893 Introduced
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2021: either US Glass No. 20007 or No. 20008 depending on the volume - 5 oz and 8 oz. respectively. c1893. These appear in the 1893 US Glass Packers' Ware catalogue.
Upper loops concave, lower loops convex
image 1 of 2

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Kristine Kammerer foot of No. 20007

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Kristine Kammerer 5H, 6 oz, this is No.20007

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge