RING AND BEADS (AKA) by Jefferson Glass Company (Steubenville-OH/Follansbee-WV, Co. Operated: 1900-1930), c1904 Introduced
NOTE: The individual sugar is often collected as a toothpick.
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge: It (vase) appears in a c1911 catalog of their Chippendale and Kryst-Tol lines as No. T1386 vase.
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Shape: Cups & Mugs
Contributor: Roger Haworth

Shape: Toothpick/Match Holders
Contributor: Sean Cronin

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Richard Ryan - cataloged as individual sugar, collected as toothpicks

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Richard Ryan, Roger Haworth (2,3), William Haddox, Richard Ryan

Shape: Individual/Berry Cream & Sugar
Contributor: William Haddox

Shape: Cups & Mugs
Contributor: Clare de Lune

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Carl Spoonamore, Linda Miller

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Nancy Dawson, Ed Furr

Shape: Creamers
Contributor: William Haddox, Matt Kaiser, Roger Haworth, Roger Haworth

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge