COLUMBIA GLASS CO. No. 23 (OMN) by Columbia Glass Company (Findlay-OH, Company Operated: 1886-1891), c1888 Introduced
• AKA: Jeweled Pendants. Unitt Bk. 2, Pg. 41.
NOTE: Sid Lethbridge: reference- Glass Tumblers Tom Bredehoft p.276 and US Glass index: OMN Columbia No. 23. found in the 1888 Butler Brothers catalog with an assortment of other Columbia pattern/pieces.
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Shape: Creamers
Contributor: Marcella Fletcher, Becky Godleski

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Olga Jimenez

Shape: Sugars
Contributor: Robert Tong, LS Kutzen

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge 1888 Butler Bros catalog

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge