REPRODUCTIONS OF PATTERNS ORIGINAL TO: ADAMS & COMPANY by Adams & Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1861-1891), Various Dates of Introduction
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Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Linda Eppelheimer, Terri Frauzel, Kathy Conn Turner

Shape: Pattern Comparison
Contributor: Carol Mercurio Williams

Shape: Vases, Rose Bowls, Ferners
Contributor: Terri Gant - marked Mosser. Color and shape never made originally

Shape: Stemware
Contributor: Holly Ober the original box. The listing notes, "Made by The American Historical Replica Co." repro of CENTENNIAL 1876. Says 200 Years Ago

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Joy Sheffield Key, Emily Kelley

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Matthew Brooks

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Nancy Dawson - LG Wright on left, Adams on right

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Winfred Huff, Jeanne Fowkes Emigh

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Jeanne Fowkes Emigh

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Carol Mercurio Williams

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Gene Serbus

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Val Magnuson

Shape: Reproductions
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge