FOSTORIA SHADE AND LAMP CO. No. 36 (OMN) by Fostoria Shade And Lamp Company (Fostoria-OH, Company Operated: 1890-1893), c1893 Introduced
• AKA: Cotton Bale
NOTE: Fostoria Shade & Lamp was acquired by Consolidated Lamp & Glass at the end of 1893. Production may have continued under Consolidated.
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Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Dennis Worden

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Scott Beale shaker and whimsey made from one

Shape: Research Update
Contributor: Sid Lethbridge

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Ed Perva

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Lanae Kilcoyne

Shape: Shakers (salt, pepper, sugar)
Contributor: Karl Pike, John Ragsdale, Bobbi Jean Barrall, John Ragsdale