TRILBY (AKA) plate unk by Unknown Maker (Unknown Location, Operated: Unknown), c1890s Introduced
NOTE: Brad Gougeon 2022 - An 1897 Pitkin & Brooks wholesaler catalog shows six varieties of plates offered in opal and jet (black). Listed as No 102 which may be the OMN but not 100%. Of the six plates, one can be documented to Canton - the Trefoil, and two can be attributed to Canton, the Lattice and the Marion (Gem). The other three are possibly Canton but there is not enough evidence at this time to move them to "attributed". ...two sizes..shown.. smaller is 5" across by 6" long. The larger is 7" across by 8" long. The larger has an "A" mold designation on the back. This DOES NOT stand for Atterbury. It is found on several stamp plates of the era but a "B" is also known on one of the plates.
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Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Brad Gougeon - larger one marked with an "A".

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Andy Vaughn - 8H x 7.25W - not marked

Shape: Catalogue/Ads
Contributor: Brad Gougeon - 1897 Pitkin & Brooks wholesaler catalog

Shape: Plates/Platter
Contributor: Brad Gougeon - back of larger plate