ZZ UNIDENTIFIED No. 682 [moved to Indiana 125]
• AKA:
NULL, Introduced: NULL
• NOTE: Craig Schenning 2021: this hollow-stem comport doesn't appear in known catalogs for INDIANA NO. 125; large comports aren't seen but it is likely they would match the small jelly seen in the catalog. Indiana isn't known for making hollow-stem comports.
NOTE: sid Lethbridge 2022 We can now return the ZZ 682 comports to their rightful place - Indiana Glass Co. No. 125. That assignment is based on an assortment from the December 1911 Baltimore Bargain House wholesale catalogue. The assortment consists of Indiana No. 253 bowls, table set and pitcher and five pieces of No. 125 including three covered comports.
• Motifs: (NULL)