ADAMS & CO. No. 084 (OMN) line
• AKA: Ashman; Cross Roads; Crossbar and Fine Cut
Adams & Company (Pittsburgh-PA, Company Operated: 1861-1891), Introduced: 1884 Introduced
• NOTE: Sid Lethbridge 2021: "Ashman is Adams No. 84 which was brought out in 1884.
American Pottery and Glass Reporter, Feb. 21, 1884 "The cake basket belonging to No. 84 is a fine piece of workmanship having handsome plated bail, and it is made with or without stem."
Eliminating the Adams patterns we know that have those cake baskets, the only pattern left with the low and footed cake basket is Ashman."
• Motifs: (Diamonds), (Fine Cut), (Xs/X in box)